| light shell | advanced cement composite technology |

advanced light shell building - advanced cement composite technology

floating house

light shell home

nature as engineering teacher - light shell building as “default method” to make things light, tough and efficient…

light shell building to integrate real estate and advanced landscaping for nature from human hand in stunning ambients…

bubble cluster seasteading | dome shells | advanced designed spaces |

| light shell truss building | torus structue |

| light shell yacht | advanced cement composite technology |

| light shell building as ocean colonization technology |

| stadion | floating real estate |

| nautilus a light shell that can withstand 600m waterpressure | jules verne got inspired by that technology | see more concretesubmarine.com |

| ocean sphere | floating city | light shell | the sphere is the most efficient form to enclose human living space on large scale |

The Technology

| light shell building | oceanic | why has not anybody done that yet |


| floating marina | floating city | advanced cement composite technology | Termite-Tech™ |


| light shell building | nature | mimikri |


| create real estate where there was none | treehouse |


| light shell | freeforming | stunning-ambients™ | Mykonos-Design™ |


| floating light shell |


| bubble cluster buiding | square bubbles |


| small scale seasteading | floating bar |

how small can you get with thin shell building of advanced cement composite technology ?

answer: to the size of a canoe…

This is the concrete canoe competiotion | the canoes are indistingishable from resin built canoes - both in weight and appearance.

The rule of the competition | it must be built out of cement | and it must still float when filled with water ( true unsinkability ) - this is a true base for ocean colonization technology .


floating city | light shell | thin shell |

| light shell house cliff |

| Termite-Tech™ | light shell | thin shell |

more light shell ambients